Want to become a member or Wraith Squadron? Then post on the forums and send an email to WraithSquadronOwns@hotmail.com with the following information:
Call of Duty name
Real name
X-Fire User name (if you do not have X-Fire then download it at: xfire.com)
Favorite weapon
Favorite map
Favorite game type
Do you have any previous clan experience?

After you have sent this email go to our forums and register with them. GoA.Billy will then update the recruits page and once your name is on the list then you can put your recruits tags on Call of Duty like this: ^4{-^7WrS^4-}Rct.^#your name The number symbol represent any number and thus any color you wish to have your name. After you are a recruit for 10 days we will assess your activity in the game and forums. Your conduct on the forums and in game and your ability to play the game (though this isn't as important as your conduct and overall coolness). If we then vote you in you will be a Private.
Thank you for your interest in joining, Gen.Goof




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